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Business Manager Can’t Believe He Fell for Obvious Clickbait

A Minnesota man is astounded that he fell for what he calls “obvious clickbait” regarding the upcoming release date for George R.R. Martin’s the Winds of Winter.

Terry Anderson works as a district manager in Minneapolis and does not consider himself a Game of Thrones fan, but has been curious when the sixth book of Martin’s series will be released.

“I’ve been to that website before. I knew there wasn’t going to be anything there. I wouldn’t even have cared if there were, but for some reason I clicked the link.”

Anderson said he was disappointed in himself when the article contained no new information. “They mentioned something about a possible update on his website, but it was obvious they didn’t really have anything.”

Anderson was beating himself up over his actions all day and believes he should have known better. He earned a bachelor of science in management at the University of Minnesota in 1992 and says he reads several books a month.

“I thought only idiots fell for stuff like this,” he said with disappointment.

The referenced article can be found at

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