Mobile, Ala–38-year-old Darrel Griggs has fled Alabama after allegedly impregnating 24 women in a local trailer park. These women claim Griggs lured them into bed with false promises, then refused to take responsibility and abandoned them for the Daytona 500 NASCAR race.
Griggs had been living at the Sutterton mobile home park for three months. Sources say he moved in with his cousin after losing a truck driving job in November. According to residents, he began sexual relationships with multiple women almost immediately.
All Fun and Games
22-year-old Amber Davis, who claims Griggs impregnated her last month, says she never imagined having to prepare for another child so suddenly. Like most women in the park, she did not use contraception.
“Birth control is expensive, and most of us ain’t got health insurance. And Darrel wouldn’t wear a condom.
Amber Davis, Sonic bellhop
Griggs reportedly slept with up to 30 women–both single and married–over a three month period. He told them all that he had had a vasectomy years ago and there was no reason for him to wear a condom.

Missy Tanner, a local hair stylist, said she was unable to resist Griggs’ charms.
“I knew he was trouble, but he just had a way with women. I knew it was going to be pointless to try and resist him, so I didn’t.”
And according to Tori Pearce, who was married at the time and is now pregnant, Griggs would sneak into her window from the back when her husband left for work.
“We met two or three times a week. It felt so exciting and secretive, but I knew it was wrong. We’d spend hours together smoking cigarettes and watching Netflix. On Sundays, he watched NASCAR.”
Griggs attempted to keep his liaisons a secret. For the married women that was easy. But he had more difficulty managing the others.
The secrets didn’t last long, and for Davis, it was all fun and games. Until it wasn’t.
In early January she discovered she was late.
“My heart just stopped. I remember walking out of the bathroom so nervous I could barely breathe. When the test came back positive I felt like my whole world had come crashing down.”
Davis informed Griggs that she was pregnant, but his response concerned her.
“The first thing he asked me was if I’d been with anyone else. I was crying and told him that he was the only one. Then he said it wasn’t a big deal.”
Stranger than Fiction
Davis soon learned a disturbing truth.
“Missy told me she had been pregnant for a few weeks and didn’t know what to do. I told her I was too. That’s when we started to wonder. If this had happened to us, who else?”
The women began to ask around, and they discovered 22 other women in the exact same situation.
Griggs had impregnated them all.
For Davis, it was surreal. In a mobile home park with 52 residents, Griggs had inseminated nearly half of the residents–every woman between the ages of 18 and 40.
A day later the women confronted Griggs, who denied fathering any of the children. But he eventually changed his story and said he would help with child support.
“He said he was coming into some money and we’d all be looked after. I was even stupid enough to believe it. I was in love with him,” said Pearce.
Most of the women said they suspected Griggs was seeing other women, but they didn’t want to believe it. Now they are forced to face the fact that up to 24 newborn children could be in the park in less than a year.
Fleeing to Daytona
Ricky Huntington discovered his wife’s infidelity when she told him he was about to be a father.
“I always used protection, so I knew something wasn’t right. When I started questioning her about it she broke down and confessed,” said Huntington.
Huntington soon banded together with other men whose wives had been unfaithful and decided to confront Griggs.
Griggs fled Sutterton Homes that night after one of the women tipped him off. His destination? Daytona Beach.
“He’d been talking about going to the Daytona 500 NASCAR race for weeks. He said his friend Terry had extra tickets,” said Pearce.
Griggs’ current whereabouts remain unknown. However, judging by his last Facebook post, he was at Daytona.

Davis’ baby is due in September, and she has no idea how she will support her child. “I already have two other kids. How am I going to support another?”
Pearce works at a gas station and said money is tight enough already.
Tanner said she just didn’t want a baby and feels betrayed. “Why would he lie about having a vasectomy?”
No Stone Left Unturned
All 24 women say they intend to sue Griggs for child support, but that won’t be easy.
Pearce called Griggs a “narcissistic sociopath” and said she spoke to him once online after Daytona. He denied fathering all of the children. She and others attempted to follow up with him, but he has since blocked them.
The women say they are also seeking paternity tests, but serving Griggs with a summons may be challenging.
Davis, Pearce, and Tanner all said they will not stop until the father of their children takes responsibility.